

Research is a systematic activity undertaken in order to improve knowledge on a chosen topic. Research is carried out using methods, techniques and tools which allow for the collection of the material which is then subjected to analysis (qualitative or quantitative).

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Worth to know

  • Empirical research involves the collection and analysis of data through observation or experimentation, while theoretical research focuses on the development of new theories or models based on existing knowledge. Both approaches are valuable and can complement one another to drive progress in various fields.

  • Effective research often requires clear communication and collaboration with peers, mentors, or other stakeholders. By working together, researchers can refine their ideas, gain new perspectives, and produce high-quality results.

  • Research serves as the basis for expanding knowledge in various fields, driving innovation and progress. By engaging in research, individuals contribute to the understanding of complex problems, development of new theories, and advancement of their respective disciplines.

  • Begin by identifying a specific research question or problem that you want to address. A well-defined research question will guide learners' research process, helping them stay focused and avoid getting overwhelmed by unrelated information.

  • Research as a learning method encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills. Researchers must evaluate existing literature, design experiments, analyze data, and interpret findings, which all contribute to the development of these essential skills.