

Demonstration is showing how something works. In contrast to a theoretical description, a demonstration allows for independent observation on the methods, result of the experiment or the course of the experiment and drawing conclusions from these observations.
The demonstration can be a useful method to provide proof of concept or to increase awarness about existing things or solutions.

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Worth to know

  • For training forms based on teamwork, the demonstration of a team’s achievements on the broader forum is very motivating. There is a similar effect in the case of the individuals within a group.

  • In digital products, a so-called demo version is usually used to demonstrate the advantages of a product and make the decision of whether a person wants to use it easier.

  • Before a demonstration, it is worth explaining to the audience what the goal of the presentation is and what they should pay more attention to during it. During the demonstration, the audience should be allowed to ask questions. If the type of presentation allows for it, the presenter can use the pause method or the method of pausing the demonstrations in order to answer questions or give additional information.

  • Organizations that support mentoring, intermentoring, peer learning, etc. and those where the organizational culture is set on learning from each other is a good environment for demonstrations.

  • A demonstration allows the learner to go from the abstract to the real. It also makes visual memorization easier, which is especially important if the training is about objects or phenomena that are new to the learner.

  • A demonstration can be a very convincing tool. The learner can see something “with their own eyes”.

  • A demonstration can easily be combined with other methods, for example, a discussion or invitation for the learners to mimic it.