
Augmented reality

Augmented reality is a form of joining real mapping of the surrounding world with the media generated by a device on the screen of the aforementioned device (usually a mobile phone). The device's sensors (video camera, microphone, GPS, etc.) play the most important role in generating augmented reality allowing the devices to register images of the surrounding world. The educational purpose of augmented reality is to provide instant support in understanding the reality surrounding the user and a mechanism for suggesting how a given task can be realized.

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Worth to know

  • Among the devices used as AR interfaces there are computers, smartphones, tablets, monitors, helmets, glasses, contact lenses, etc. 

  • AR allows for learning in a real environment, during work time. With the use of mobile devices, it allows for access to information in any place and time (also in the field).

  • Augmented reality applications can be used to educate clients - combining elements of training, customer support and marketing. It is possible to include elements of entertainment of a game into these activities, to engage the recipients more strongly.

  • Augmented reality based on geolocalisation provides necessary information in relation to the geographic location of the user (such as information about the nearest company branches, peoples’ and events’ locations, logistics - orientation in warehouse spaces).

  • It allows to ground difficult procedures in real context, in which they are done, and give the user hints on each step, that he must perform. It supports learning through experience and practice (learn by doing).

  • AR applications are interactive, they react to the users' actions, they can use different functions of a device (e.g. a phone), such as recording pictures and sounds, inputting data, communicating, they can also integrate with other apps (e.g. sending information to social media platforms or the company database as well as the visualization of data coming from different sources).

  • A real need and clearly defined goal. Well thought out and skillfully implemented augmented reality in an organization can significantly increase the effectiveness of training and the efficiency of employees however, it is a complicated and costly undertaking, requiring a realistic estimation of the project’s ROI.

  • In the generalization of AR technology, which allows for collection and processing of user information, face recognition, and geolocalisation (which allows for tracking the position of specific people) among other things, some people see a danger to personal privacy.