

A tag is a keyword assigned to some content resource (a web site, a photograph, a blog post). The role of the tag is to describe a given resource using keywords in a way that will facilitate searching with a web browser. Tags play an important role in particularizing the search. Thus they can significantly support the process of obtaining reliable information and at the same time have a positive impact on the process of self-improvement, especially on the basis of some open content resources available on the Internet. Tagging also allows to organize the information structures in the mind of the person responsible for the tagging.

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Worth to know

  • Browsing content marked with a specific tag can become a developmental habit for interested individuals, leading to interesting inspirations.

  • It is worth considering the development of a keyword catalog (tag dictionary), for example, by experts from a given field of knowledge (also recruited from among employees), which will streamline the process of content description by users.

  • An attractive way to present the contents and material of resources is through so-called tag clouds.

  • Tagging has become especially popular with the introduction of hashtags. It's increasingly hard to imagine a post on Facebook or LinkedIn without the use of hashtags.